Nikki Sherman - May 22nd 2017 - 8:04 pm
Hi all! Sorry we've been MIA for a while :') We're back now that school is almost over! And back with a bang, as well- we've got a "new" friend to introduce to you all! She moved here almost eight months ago actually, and she fit into our friend group just like a missing puzzle piece. I would like you to meet my friend Georgia Aisling McKenzie! Georgia likes fashion, exploring the beaches, and has a lovely boho type style, although she's also played dress up in Claudia's very 40's and 50's inspired wardrobe for a few of these photos, which were taken for our instagram. Here are the photos, courtesy of our amazing photographer Eve, as always.
Okay, well, Eve didn't take this one. Georgia took a spring break trip to Chicago and her mama took this picture that was too pretty not to share.
Here's me and Georgie! We were modelling some very cute outfits here if I do say so myself. Everything G is wearing is her own, see how she has an eye for pattern and texture?
Here's us watching Claud try her new roller skates.
Anyway, we have some more photos to post and we'll do that later this week. Hope that you enjoyed these and meeting our friend Georgia! I'll see you next time (or, maybe I won't, as it'll be someone else's turn to write!).
So long!